Browse our newest 2024 fabric collections



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  1. Color Family
  2. Color Family
  3. Color Family
  4. Color Family
Shopping Options
  1. $0.00 - $10.00 1 item
  2. $10.00 - $20.00 19 items
  3. $20.00 - $30.00 7 items
  4. $30.00 - $40.00 32 items
  5. $40.00 - $50.00 856 items
  6. $50.00 - $60.00 319 items
  7. $60.00 - $70.00 91 items
  8. $70.00 - $80.00 4 items
Accent Colors
Color Family
Sampled In
  1. Chenille Classics (304) 14 items
  2. Chair Classics (305) 8 items
  3. Contract Library (308) 1 item
  4. Formal Jacquards II (313) 3 items
  5. Texture Designs (314) 3 items
  6. Comfort Chenilles III (315) 14 items
  7. Value Textures (317) 6 items
  8. Luxhide II (318) 11 items
  9. Leather Looks (320) 1 item
  10. Montego Luxury Microfibres (432) 27 items
  11. Charisma Chenilles (434) 10 items
  12. Junglebook Luxury Chenilles (437) 9 items
  13. Comfort Suede (440) 3 items
  14. Outback (501) 14 items
  15. Recast II (504) 9 items
  16. Supple (505) 7 items
  17. STA-KLEEN (506) 2 items
  18. Touche (507) 3 items
  19. Luxsuede (808) 6 items
  20. Cascade of Naturals (902) 5 items
  21. Scale Performance Fabrics (3509) 2 items
  22. Advantage H-D Outdoor Vinyl (AV02) 5 items
  23. Luxweave Performance Fabrics (4710) 14 items
  24. Vinyl Values (205) 7 items
  25. Atmosphere & Perfection Vinyl (AP02) 2 items
  26. The Contract Collection (CC02) 4 items
  27. Contract Vinyls (CC04) 10 items
  28. Americana Value Contract Vinyl (CC03) 4 items
  29. E-Z Value Vinyls (EZY07) 1 item
  30. Xtreme Value Vinyl (GV01) 5 items
  31. Armada Value Marine Vinyl (MV11) 4 items
  32. Softside Automotive Collection (SSACVB) 19 items
  33. Chair Classics II (452) 13 items
  34. Luxweave II (450) 17 items
  35. Softside Marine Vinyl (SSVB2) 4 items
  36. Linen Textures (459) 8 items
  37. Charisma II (454) 11 items
  38. Soft and Woolly (455) 14 items
  39. Value Textures II (456) 21 items
  40. Sofas Pillows and Plains II (460) 17 items
  41. Sofas Pillows and Plains III (461) 4 items
  42. Port Royal (463) 8 items
  43. Texture Designs II (465) 12 items
  44. Textures of Color II (464) 14 items
  45. Linen Textures II (466) 7 items
  46. Dundee Textures (471) 2 items
  47. Limerick Textures (472) 9 items
  48. Watercolors-Cool (473) 15 items
  49. Watercolors-Neutral (474) 19 items
  50. Watercolors-Warm (475) 10 items
  51. Leather Card (Veneta) 11 items
  52. Leather Card (Toscana) 4 items
  53. Home and Patio Collection Indoor-Outdoor (561) 27 items
  54. Luxury Performance Series (476) 6 items
  55. Luxsport (LUX01) 7 items
  56. Luxury Performance Series II (479) 10 items
  57. Chenille Classics II (469) 21 items
  58. Textures of Color III (480) 17 items
  59. Formal Jacquards III (478) 1 item
  60. Modern Home (470) 15 items
  61. Allante/Carrara Leatherlike Vinyl (ALCR) 15 items
  62. Sofas Pillows & Plains (307) 5 items
  63. Lexi (LEXI) 11 items
  64. Crypton Home (468) 29 items
  65. Charmed (485) 7 items
  66. Chenille Classics III (477) 15 items
  67. Texture Time (482) 7 items
  68. Texture Time II (483) 13 items
  69. Small Scale (484) 20 items
  70. Harmony (486) 14 items
  71. Modern Jacquards (481) 33 items
  72. Harmony II (487) 11 items
  73. Color Collection - Black & White (521) 9 items
  74. Color Collection - Jewel (522) 3 items
  75. Color Collection - Blue (523) 1 item
  76. Color Collection - Earth (524) 25 items
  77. Color Collection - Neutrals (525) 27 items
  78. Color Collection - Grey (526) 25 items
  79. Tehama (529) 15 items
  80. Mango Home (528) 18 items
  81. Louvelle (527) 22 items
  82. Highland (530) 25 items
  83. Graceland (531) 26 items
  84. Courtyard (532) 34 items
  85. Harvest (533) 24 items
  86. Rhythm (534) 21 items
  87. Drama (537) 15 items
  88. Reflect (539) 20 items
  89. Refresh (540) 12 items
  90. Relax (543) 30 items
  91. Renew (544) 11 items
  92. Revive (545) 41 items
  93. Color Concepts - Indigo Garnet Natural (538) 3 items
  94. Color Concepts - Taupe Cinnamon Pearl (541) 21 items
  95. Color Concepts - Nutmeg Sage Natural (542) 17 items
  96. Color Concepts - Sky Oatmeal Dove (546) 9 items
  97. Color Concepts - Rosewood Lagoon Ivory (547) 13 items
  98. Venture (548) 26 items
  99. Color Concepts - Denim Brick Pebble (549) 13 items
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1329 items

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  1. 54947 BRINDLE (ZEPHYR)
  2. 54946 CRIMSON (DOGWOOD)
  3. 54942 FROST BLUE (MEADOW)
  4. 54941 FESTIVAL (BINGO)
  5. 54939 SUNSET (MEADOW)
  6. 54938 CORDOVAN (MACY)
  7. 54926 BRINDLE (NAPLES)
  8. 54925 FLINT (NAPLES)
  9. 54924 STEEL (ZEST)
  10. 54912 FOG (SEBRING)
  11. 54911 DOVE (BRAVO)
  12. 54910 SMOKE (SCOUT)
  13. 54909 SMOKE (GENESSEE)
  14. 54842 PEAT (NIMBLE)
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1329 items

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